little miss mushroom.
She spends most days in the veggie drawer, snuggled next to all her brothers and sisters. Some mornings she wakes up squished, but she doesn’t mind.
Mushroom’s daily routine includes shining her cap and chatting with the zucchini next door. Occasionally the green beans come and visit, but those times are few and far between. She likes when they come to town. It makes the veggie drawer starts to feel more like a party drawer! Oh, and there’s the baby carrots… the dumb little baby carrots. She wishes they would stop teasing her and calling her “fungus”!! She’s technically considered a vegetable anyways!
Even though she loves the comfort of the veggie drawer, she dreams about life outside the drawer and what the rest of the fridge is like. She wonders if she would need a paper towel to stay warm or if it’s actually hotter outside the drawer. Sometimes she can see the dill pickles hanging out in their jar on the shelf above. She can never hear them when they’re talking so she hasn’t been able to ask what it’s like, but she really likes the funny faces they make to through the glass.
Even more than exploring the fridge, her wildest dream is to be chosen from the drawer, just like her older brothers and sisters. That’s how she’ll know she’s really grown up! Mom and Dad were the first ones chosen and it made her really sad; she didn’t want them to go. But once her big sister explained that they were going to a better place, she felt a lot better. She still remembers the day her family made the big move in the giant basket on wheels. It was so exciting! She imagines getting picked feeling a lot like that.
She loves her family more than anything else. They are very close - both physically and metaphorically. But it’s hard to expect anything else. They’ve aways been there for her and are really all she has! It’s okay though because she’s perfectly happy just the way things are.