how to keep creepy people away from you on the street.

As a woman who being around other people while simultaneously living my life undisturbed by suspicious strangers, there is a list of somewhat unwritten rules that I live by when going out. This list is sure to keep the creeps away as you carry on with your creeper-free life.

  1. Find the flashlight app on your phone and when the PIQ (Person In Question) approaches, blind them with the SOS setting.

  2. Match their creepy energy. Creepy people don’t creep on other creepy people.

  3. Buy a big dog. (Mine is over 100lbs, to give you an idea.)

  4. Dress in bright yellow and orange, like a crossing guard. Every readily available light reflecting off of your outfit will likely draw too much attention to you. The creeps prefer the shadows.

  5. If they get close to you, yell “HI-YAH” and stand on one foot as if you’re preparing for the iconic Karate Kid move. You know the one I’m referring to? The creeper will too. Everyone does.

  6. Staring contest!!

  7. Pretend you’re part of a one-person flash mob. Start dancing sporadically in the opposite direction.

In all reality, a little bit of pepper spray or a taser will probably do the trick. But in the occasion you don’t have one of those two things in your possession, I hope this list of somewhat erratic behavior can be of use.
